Central Middle School


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English Language Arts

English language arts is listed as ELA on your child’s schedule. The first few days of classes is designed to help your child adjust to classroom procedures, expectations, Google Classroom, and meet new peers. After that, it is down to business.

Literature is defined in Webster’s Dictionary as, “written works such as poems, plays, and novels that are considered to be very good and have lasting importance.” Generally, middle school students refer to it as “reading class.”  To ensure that students have adequate exposure to a range of texts and tasks, they will read a wide variety of genres and materials to extrapolate key ideas and details. Students compare and contrast different forms and genres and class time is also utilized to study literary elements and analyze the craft and structure of those texts. Oral and written communication skills are further developed by interacting with readings through discussion, notes, and written responses. Students are given novels to read and you should see evidence that it is being read regularly at home. Students are encouraged to form and maintain good reading habits through reading outside of school regularly. A monthly grade will be entered in the form of a reading log to track individual progress in this area.